Belt Analyst Version 18.x

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Belt Analyst Version 18.x

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Following is a brief description of the new features introduced with version 18 of Belt Analyst™.

Belt Analyst™ version 18.2

Belt Capacity Analysis: estimates and plots capacity of belt based on percent loaded, material edge distance, belt width, and idler specification.

Enhanced Power Wizard: estimates and plots demand power or "f" friction factor results over a temperature range for selected operating cases.  

For analysis of Flap Mode, adds V return mode using plate vibration approach.

Imports Layer data when importing DXF profile drawing data.

When using graphic profile input, adds multiple pulley selection when converting to drive.

Improved stability of program operation.

Belt Analyst™ version 18.1

Dynamics Case Summary Report: The data from a single point on the conveyor and selected operating cases can be plotted to compare the results from multiple simulations.

Two new types of file saves: a Final Version save, and a Locked File save.

Enhanced features and tools for creating and editing in the Image Editor.

Added "Winch Off/On" and "Hydraulic Cylinder" as optional takeup types in BA.

Belt Analyst™ version 18.0

ISO Calculation Method: Belt Analyst™ has the ability to perform power, friction and the resulting tension calculations using the ISO 5048 : 1989 calculation methodology. This calculation methodology is very similar to the DIN 22101 standard in philosophy and utilized by the international community.

Overhung Load Calculator: the Overhung Load Calculator can be used to calculate a more accurate estimate of the overhung load onto a pulley drive shaft. The calculator uses information about drive component weights and geometry to estimate the overhung load for different conveyor operating conditions.

BA has improved Reporting capabilities to simplify and expand reporting conveyor details and performance results.

DOCX Printing of the BA report: user can utilize custom word document templates to populate reports with data from Belt Analyst™. User can also create their own custom or modified templates.

Profile Image Editor: the image editor allows the user to create a visual arrangement of Saved Views from the Profile screen that can then be added to a printed report. This facilitates improved presentation of pulley arrangements and profile features.

Report for Idler Analyst: an Idler Analyst calculation report can be exported to a printable Microsoft Word® DOCX document or to a Microsoft Excel® Spreadsheet.

New Excel Export: The input and output data from Belt Analyst™ can be exported to an Microsoft Excel® spreadsheet for further analysis and review.

Using the new Request File Audit procedure, the user can request a professional audit by one of Overland Conveyor Company’s professional conveyor design specialists on a conveyor they have designed utilizing the Belt Analyst™ suite of programs.

To view the new V18 New Features video, either click the link below or log in to the Online eTraining page through the Help Menu.

Click Here to view video with introduction to new V18 features.