Prepare Full Report

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Prepare Full Report

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Belt Analyst™ includes a number of programs and calculators; most of these can prepare a separate report on their respective inputs and outputs. The reporting tool used in the main Belt Analyst program can be used to prepare a more overall comprehensive report. This reporting is accessed through the REPORT menu item.

With data being reported from multiple sources including PDFs, it is the user's responsibility to ensure that all the documents are referring to the same conveyor design.

Belt Analyst

The Report menu item allows preparation of a comprehensive reporting of the conveyor design specifications and components, and presentation of resulting performances such as belt tensions and required power. The pages of data are listed and the user checks a box to select what to include in the Pages To Print area.


The Trajectory can be printed as part of main report by checking box in Pages To Print box.

Image Editor

Pictures created using the Image Editor routine can be printed as part of main report by checking box in Pages To Print box.

Idler Analyst

Utilizing the Idler Analyst Report routines in this program the data can be sent to either an Excel spreadsheet or Word processing document. These other programs can be used to create a PDF file of the data. The PDF can be included in the main report by utilizing the Appended PDFs procedure in the BA Report.

Lagging Analyst

No specific procedure for including in report at this time.

Feeder Analyst

The Feeder Analyst Report routine can be used to print a PDF report of the input/output of the feeder design. The PDF can be included in the main report by utilizing the Appended PDFs procedure in the BA Report.

Horizontal Curve Analyst

The Horizontal Curve Analyst Report routine can be used to print a PDF report of the input/output of the curve design. The PDF can be included in the main report by utilizing the Appended PDFs procedure in the BA Report.

Pipe Analyst

The pipe program is a variation of the main Belt Analyst program utilizing this belting type. The Report menu item allows preparation of a comprehensive reporting of the conveyor design specifications and components, and presentation of resulting performances such as belt tensions and required power. The pages of data are listed and the user checks a box to select what to include.

Dynamic Analyst

The BA Report menu item allows preparation of a comprehensive reporting of the dynamic performance of the conveyor. The pages of data are listed for each case and the user checks a box to select what to include in the Pages To Print area.

Other documents, drawings, charts, pictures, etc.

Any PDF can be included in the main report by utilizing the Appended PDFs procedure in the BA Report.

The PDF document to be include in the BA report is accessed by it's path and file name; if these are changed, the document will not be included.