Motor Control

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Motor Control

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Motor Control data is entered by:

1.Clicking the Drive Folder Tab.

2.Clicking on the Controller Folder Tab.

3.Using the arrow indicators to select the desired drive (if a multiple drive system).


The motor control routines indicate how the drive will control the conveyor. The following methodologies are available:


Line, using the motor's torque-speed curve to calculate drive response. This approach is only applicable for starting.

Torque as function of time.

Belt speed as function of time, using PID logic to calculate drive response.

Belt tension as function of time, using PID logic to calculate drive response.

Fluid Coupling. This approach is only applicable for starting.

Reduced Voltage. This approach is only applicable for starting.

Wound Rotor Motor.

Follow, drive torque is the same as the previous/following drive.

A drive control methodology must be selected for each drive in the system.

See Also: None, Line, Torque, Velocity PID, Target Tension PID, Fluid Coupling, Reduced Voltage, Wound Rotor Motor, Follow, Control Curve