Motor Control - Target Tension using PID

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Motor Control - Target Tension using PID

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Application of drive to achieve target belt tension as a function of time. The target tension is measured at a point just past the drive (T2); when there are two adjacent drive pulleys (dual), the target tension is just past the second drive.

1.Select "Tension PID" on the motor control pull-down list.


2.The target tension data is entered on the control curve data table and displayed on the control curve chart.

3.Control is achieved with a PID (proportional, integral, derivative) controller feedback loop.

Proportional response is based on difference (error) between the actual belt speed and the target speed.

Integral response is based on the sum of these errors.

Derivative response is based on the rate of change of the error.


4.Maximum/minimum applied torque can be limited. Initial torque value can be set.


5.Drive control can be set to run only when the actual belt speed is greater than a target belt speed (target speed is input as percent of full belt speed).

oFor stopping case, drive is initially running and is turned off once target belt speed is achieved. Once drive is off, it stays off regardless of belt speed.

oFor starting case, drive is initially stopped and then turned on once target belt speed is achieved. Once drive is on, it stays on regardless of belt speed.


6.Control sequence can be aborted at a set time.


7.The control methodology can be adjusted for different sampling intervals. The Control Frequency is time period between adjustments in drive control. The Sample Average is period control input values are averaged in determining the control response.
