Drag Calculations

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Drag Calculations

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One of the primary functions of the Belt Analyst Suite of Programs is to estimate the drag associated with the premised conveyor design. From this estimate, power requirements, resultant belt tensions, and the component specifications can be derived.

There are several proposed calculation methodologies, the most prevalent of these have been incorporated into Belt Analyst.

Conveyor Equipment Manufacturers Association (CEMA)


Pipe Conveyor Calculation

DIN Calculation Method


Friction Factor Calculation Method

ISO Calculation Method


Calculation Selection Procedure

The calculation method being utilized is shown when the Design Options menu list is displayed.


If the  design incorporates a standard belt conveyor, the "Standard Belt" button should be clicked. The calculation method can be changed by selecting from the pull-down menu associated with the calculation display.


If the design is for a pipe belt, the "Pipe Belt' button should be depressed.


Default Calculation Method

The default calculation method used by the program for new conveyors can be set