CEMA Calculation

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CEMA Calculation

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Updated in        v14.0

The calculation method recommended by the Conveyor Equipment Manufacturers Association (CEMA) is presented in their manual entitled "Belt Conveyors for Bulk Materials.

CEMA Standard Method, 5th edition

This is the historical method recommended by CEMA from the 1960's until 2006 when the "Universal" method was introduced.

The approach is still in use for shorter conveyors (less than 3,000 feet or 1,000 m), belt with a fabric carcass, flat or three roll troughing idlers, and a maximum belt tension (16,000 lbf)

CEMA Universal Method, 6th edition

The "Universal" method of estimate drag was introduced to accommodate the increasing complexity of conveyor design incorporating long lengths, high capacity, complex component specification, as well as the ability of computers to manage complex calculations.

This methodology has been replaced by the similar improved approach presented in 7th edition.

This approach is no longer recommended since it has been improved for the 17th edition. However, it is still available in the program to be used by older files.

CEMA Universal Method, 7th edition

The  "Universal" method of estimate drag was updated to include the results of ongoing study of the sources of friction, and the advances in conveyor design.