DIN Calculation Method

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DIN Calculation Method

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Available in        v12 and higher
Available in        All Program Levels
Updated in        v16.0

Belt Analyst™ has been designed such that any conveyor can be analyzed using the DIN 22101 (2011) design calculation method.  This page will detail how this design method has been implemented into Belt Analyst.

To start using the DIN 22101 design method within Belt Analyst™ simply change the calculation method within the program by selecting “DIN 22101 (2011)” from the calculation method menu item at the top of the program:


When the DIN calculation method is selected, the screen for inputting friction factors is displayed. This screen can also be accessed by clicking on the Friction Coefficient  f  box in the main screen.


See also: Calculations, Drag Calculation or Resistance to Motion, Material Calculation Considerations, Selection Belting DIN Method, Selection Pulley Diameters DIN Method