Analysis Routines

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Analysis Routines

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Analysis routines are included to assist design in selected areas:

Power Wizard: estimate power requirement over range of temperatures and drag sensitivity factors.

Power Summary: plots the maximum power requirement for each operating case.

Belt Speed Calculator: estimate belt speed based on motor, gearbox and pulley data.

Takeup Travel Summary plots the expected takeup travel for each operating case.

Transfer Chutes: introduction to discrete element method (DEM) to evaluate transfer chute design.

Load On/Off: recalculate estimated power requirements, belt tensions and takeup requirement as a full load of material is first loaded onto the conveyor and then unloaded.

Trajectory: estimate material discharge trajectory based on running conditions.

Belt Capacity: estimates capacity of belt based on percent loaded, material edge distance, belt width, and idler specification.

Belt Flap: evaluates the potential for dynamic vibration in a belt that generally appears as the belt bouncing vertically between idlers.