Loan On/Off

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Loan On/Off

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Available in        v12 and later
Available in        All versions
Updated in        v20.0

In Version 20 and later the load on/off tool is located in the Analysis Tab.

20 Load1

The tool simulates the belt starting from empty, loads, and then unloads it. It displays the tension and power over time, depending on the selected tab.


20 load maingrid


Running the Simulation

A default timestep is generated based on the time to run the belt. You can find it below the 'calculate' button and change it there.


20 Load3


Click the calculate button to run the simulation with the desired timestep.


The calculation will run every case but the empty case, starting from empty, loading, and then completely unloading it.


Analyzing Load At Time

The Load On Off Tool supports viewing the percent of design load at a time on the graph, and updating the current case with the selected load.


20 load updatecase


Left click the graph at the desired time, and Belt Analyst will update the percent loaded over the conveyor graph below the power or tension graph over time.

The 'Update' button will enable, and clicking it will set the current case's load on the flights to the selected load. The highlighted line is the simulation which the load is being pulled from.