Takeup Chart

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Takeup Chart

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The simulation produces an X-Y chart of the carriage speed and displacement at the takeup during the simulated period.Data is from the case currently being evaluated, that is operating case and dynamic case.

This chart can be viewed by:

Selecting the Home menu item.

Clicking the Takeup tab.



A table of the minimum and maximum values for each point will be displayed with the descriptions color coded to the lines. If you click on the colored box next to a specific description, the line will be hidden from the graph. If you click the box again (it should be white), then the line will reappear.


Comments can be added using the "Comments" button in the lower right corner of the window:

Public Comments: The engineer's comments that will be displayed on the print out document.

Private Comments: The comments that will be only displayed in the file and will not be displayed on the print out document.

The chart typically displays from start (0 time) to full simulation time. This range can be reduced by dragging the scroll bar between the chart and time axis labels.

A fixed takeup will show no carriage speed or displacement.

Note that the chart y-axis is labeled from negative (-) to positive (+) to more closely resemble actual physical movement.


A report with this chart can be created using the Print Current Report routine in DA or the Report routine in BA.

By right clicking on the chart, the user can either create a "csv" text file of the chart data or a "jpg" picture file of the image.

See Also: Plot Points, Simulation Output