PID Control Loops

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PID Control Loops

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Available in        v12.0 and higher
Available in        Dynamic Analyst
Updated in        v14.3

PID control consists of three components:

Proportional (P)

Integral (I)

Derivative (D)

The equation for the PID controller looks like:

C(S) = Kp + Ki +Kd

where KP = proportional gain, KI = integral gain, and KD = derivative gain

How the PID controller works

Tracks the error between the desired input and actual output

Using the error and the Kp; KI; and KD terms, the correction is calculated

The correction is added (or subtracted) from the actual output

Go back and repeat

Proportional Term

Direct product of gain and measured error

Present time,

Low Kp leas to large error

High Kp increases oscillatory behavior and repetitive overshooting

Integral Term

Summation of error over time

Past time,

Low Ki increases rise time

High Ki increases oscillatory behavior and repetitive overshooting

Derivative Term

Considers the rate of change of the error,

Future time,

Higher Kd decreases overshoot and dampens the system.

Manual Tuning Technique

1.Set Ki and Kd to zero, and increase Kp until output oscillates

2.Then increase Ki until oscillation is minimal (note that sometimes Ki is not used and will make the system more oscillatory),

3.Next increase Kd until the output is acceptably quick in reaching the desired reference curve.

Keep in Mind

Each PID controller acts differently for each system.

Each PID component does not have to be used.

Increasing any PID component too high may make the system unstable.


See also: Drive Velocity PID, Drive Target Tension PID