Horizontal Curve Analyst

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Horizontal Curve Analyst

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Available in        v12 and higher
Available in        Suite  
Updated in        v18.0

Horizontal curves can be evaluated in several ways.

Within Belt Analyst™ utilizing the Profile and Curve windows.

The first step to evaluating horizontal curves is through Belt Analyst. Multiple curves can be analyzed and displayed. Curve performance is analyzed for each operating case.

Curve data is entered in the conveyor profile window.

Curves are evaluated in the curve window.

It is recommended that the procedures for analyzing horizontal curves built into the main Belt Analyst program be done first; then, use Horizontal Curve Analyst if extra details are required.

With Horizontal Curve Analyst™


This program provides some extra detail for individual curves not available from the main screens in Belt Analyst™. The BA data is tied to the tensions and components for the selected case. The belt tensions used in HCA can be changed to incorporate a range of values. Charts are included to illustrate belt drift and cross-section belt tension.