Horizontal Curve Analyst™ Introduction

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Horizontal Curve Analyst™ Introduction

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Available in        v12 and higher
Available in        Suite  
Updated in        v15.1

Horizontal Curve Analyst™ is a mathematical modeling tool for the design of horizontal curves in bulk material handling conveyors.

This program provides some extra detail for individual curves not available from the horizontal curve table in the Curve tab in Belt Analyst™. The BA data is tied to the tensions and components for the selected case. The belt tensions used in HCA can be changed to incorporate a range of values.

The user can examine belt tension output from a number of sources such as different operating cases, load-off-load-on sequence, or Dynamic Analyst.

Starting Horizontal Curve Analyst

To start the Horizontal Curve Analyst program, right-click on the horizontal curve table, on the horizontal curve tab, in the Curve tab of the Home menu.




See also: Display, Notes, Reporting, Input Data, Output Data