Edit Material Data

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Edit Material Data

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Material data can be selected and modified for the specific conveyor case being evaluated in the Material Tab on the Home menu item.


The material database can be edited from the Material Database screen; it is accessed from the Edit > Data >Material menu.

Angle of Repose: the acute angle which the surface of a normal, freely formed pile makes to the horizontal.

Surcharge Angle: the angle to the horizontal which the surface of the material assumes while the material is at rest on a moving conveyor belt.

The surcharge angle is typically 5º to 15º degrees less than the angle of repose, though in some materials and on longer conveyors, it can be smaller.

Maximum Inclination Angle: the maximum angle at which the material can be conveyed without moving on the belt.

Angle of Internal Friction: the angle between the axis of normal stress and the tangent to the Mohr envelope at a point representing a given failure-stress condition for solid material (not used in normal conveyor calculations, but important when considering feeder loads).

There are other material characteristics such as dustiness, wetness, stickiness, abrasiveness, chemical corrosive action, temperature, etc. that will affect conveyor design and component selection which are not considered by Belt Analyst.

See also: Material Data, Editing Material Database