Material Database

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Material Database

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The material database contains generalized information on typical materials. This data can be selected and modified for the specific conveyor case being evaluated in the Material Tab on the Main Screen.

The material database can be edited from the Edit Material Database screen; it is accessed from the Data menu item.



The material database can be edited by:

The data can be changed in each cell.

To insert a new material, click on the "+" button in the upper right side of the table, edit values to suit.


To delete a material, click on the "-" button in the upper right side of the table.

The changes are saved by depressing the Apply button

When the material database is changed, there is no return to the previous data; nor is there a way to determine what has been changed. The user should always verify the accuracy of the material data being used.

The database is automatically arranged in alphabetical order. If the user wants frequently used materials to appear at the start of the list, an "*" can be used as the first character of the description.

See also:Material Properties