Idler Defaults

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Idler Defaults

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Defaults > Idler menu item is the location for inputting the default values pertaining to idlers.

The Default Database File: the default Idler database file can be selected from the list of available files. The selection here does not limit the choices available on the Belt Tab. A distinct selection for a pipe belt can be made in the Pro version.


Drag multipliers can be used to adjust the drag calculated. These can also be input for the current case on the Idler data table.

Values utilized in the procedures for automatically selecting the idler from the database can also be modified. -- bearing life and idler revolutions per minute.

The screen choices will change with the drag calculation method selected.

When using CEMA 5th Edition Calculations


When using CEMA 7th Edition Calculations

Drag multipliers can be used to adjust the drag calculated. These can also be input for the current case on the Idler data table.


For DIN and ISO Calculations

No drag multipliers are available.
