Belt Defaults

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Belt Defaults

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Defaults > Belt menu item is the location for inputting the default values pertaining to the belt.

General Design Criteria

This is the location for inputting belt specification parameters.


The Belt Acceleration Limit specifies the preferred maximum belt tension during starting and stopping. It influences "Auto" belt selection.

The Belt Deformation Drag Multiplier is a factor used as a multiplier to the calculated belt deformation drag.

This option is available only when the drag calculation method is "CEMA 7".

Using a drag multiplier factor is an easy way to model a "low power" belt cover compound; a factor of 0.80 is typical.

Rubber Constants

The Cover Viscoelastic Rubber Constants list the belt cover rubber properties used in the calculation of the deformation drag. These typically are the values specified in the CEMA 7th Edition manual. They cannot be changed at this time.


Default Database File

The Default Database File: the default Belt database file can be selected from the list of available files. The selection here does not limit the choices available on the Belt Tab.
