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Help v20.1 --  26 July 2021

Welcome to the Overland Conveyor Help Files. We are constantly working out these files to keep them up to date so we appreciate your patience if you run into any errors or missing files.

If an online file shows a 404 error message when you click on it, please wait a few minutes and then try again; it might be in the process of updating. If the error persists, please submit a ticket using the Help > Submit a Question Online menu item. We will get it fixed as soon as possible.

All of the online Help Files will reflect the most current version of Belt Analyst. If you have an older version of the software, you can view the local help files corresponding to your installed BA version by selecting the Help > Local Help menu item.

If you need more information on a particular topic, please register for our online eTraining course by clicking on the Help > Online eTraining menu item.

If you are interested in learning about the new features for our latest release, Belt Analyst™ V20, please click here.