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The  selection of measurement units is made in the Design Options > General > Units menu item.

The user must select which units of measure will be used by the program. This will be utilized for all values displayed and reported.


To select Metric units, single click on the "Metric" menu item, or by holding down Ctrl+M.


To select Metric units, single click on the "English" menu item, or by holding down Ctrl+E.

A change from Metric to English or English to Metric causes a direct unit conversion for most values. Exceptions to this include pulley shaft and bearing sizes and recommended drive power. In these instances, standard English or Metric values are provided (i.e., 8.00 inches, 1000 mm, 200 kilowatt, etc.).

Unit specific values are provided in drop down boxes for belt width, pulley shaft diameter and pulley bearing diameter when designing in either Metric or English units..