Takeup Final Properties

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Takeup Final Properties

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Available in        v12 and higher
Available in        All
Updated in        v19

Takeup selection and specification is input using a series of windows in the takeup tab. The last of these tabs presents the final properties for the takeup defined. It is accessed as "Final" step of the takeup specification procedure.

20 blue ribbon final prop

The final properties includes both input and output of data specifying the takeup. The Final Properties step is a summary of all previous tabs combined into one table.

All information entered in the previous steps will show here, and any information input here will be updated in the previous steps.

The selected takeup type is listed in the first row of the table. It can be changed here.

Belt Tension should be entered. For gravity TU types the Weight-Pull of the tensioning device will then be calculated based on the Load Ratio.

For winches, the operating percent of the drive is shown. Typically, this is about 50%


For Off/On winches and hydraulic cylinders, the Low Belt Tension Limit and High Belt Tension Limit are entered.

When operating in a off/on mode, varying operating cases should be investigated since the required takeup tension is changing.


Extra data describing the winch properties can be shown by expanding the table MoreInfo.


Extra data describing the takeup brake, if applicable, can be shown by expanding the table.


A brake (capstan) can be applied on the takeup to stop the carriage movement while stopping to increases belt tension.

Extra data describing the load ratio can be shown by expanding the tableMoreInfo.


Extra data describing the minimum TU tensions can be shown by expanding the tableMoreInfo.


Extra data describing the active carriage length can be shown by expanding the table.MoreInfo



The belt tension required at the takeup to avoid exceeding the targeted sag limits.

The belt tension required at the takeup to avoid slip on the drive/brake pulleys.

The Running % Sag Limit and Accel/Decel % Sag Limits set the maximum amount of sag targeted in the conveyor design (these are defined in the CEMA handbook).

These can be changed either on the Takeup page or the Defaults > Takeup menu item.