Silent Install

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Silent Install

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Sometimes a Silent install of our software is necessary. The instructions below outline how to silently install Belt Analyst.

Generate a response file:


1. Open command line and navigate to the setup.exe location.

2. Once there, run the following

           - "WPFAnalyst.exe" -r -f1C:\Response.iss 

           - (note lack of space between -f1 and the path. Feel free to change C:\ to any desired path). This will start installation and save selected options to the response file for use elsewhere.


On your other machines, you'll want to run:


1. "WPFAnalyst.exe" -s -f1C:\Response.iss

2. (replacing C:\ with whatever the applicable path is)


This will cause the installer to use the response file instead of requiring active responses from a user, as it runs hidden in the background.