Material Tab Details

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Material Tab Details

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The materials tab display is used to input data on the bulk material.


Everything in blue is editable. Everything that is red indicates a value that should be input by the user. Everything in yellow indicates a value that should be reviewed by the user.

The material's Description, Density and Surcharge Angle can only be changed in the Material Tab of Belt Analyst™.

The material's Effective Angle of Internal Friction should be input by the user. The program will assume a value based on the selected material if no value is input.

Using the correct value for effective angle of internal friction is critical to the reliable operation of the feeder.

The material's Angle of Repose, Hopper Wall Friction Angle, Bin Wall Friction Angle, and Skirtboard Friction Angle should be input by the user. The program will assume values based on the selected material if no value is input.

See also: Default Values