Technical Support

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Technical Support

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Use the following options for technical help for questions involving the use of the program:

1.Belt Analyst™ help menu.

oOnline Help: user can search the online help files for information. The online version of the help files should be the most current.

oLocal Help: user can search the help files distributed with the installed version of Belt Analyst™. The local version of the help files should correspond to the BA version being used, even if it is outdated.

3.Support Site: submit a question online about your license, design, or calculation.

4.Telephone - (303) 973-7357  Office

5.Fax - (303) 217-5208


The port and the address of the license server are:

Ports are standard http/https

The current address is but this can move without notice. is a CNAME for


The user may request an engineering Audit of the conveyor design.