Running Dynamic Simulation

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Running Dynamic Simulation

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Following is the general procedure in the Dynamic Analyst™ program for running simulations.

Typically, both the starting and stopping cases are run; a stopping case can be run without the start but the stopping case must be run before the associated starting case. Files must be in same directory.

Run Belt Analyst

1.Calculate all static running properties in BA -- size components, determine friction, etc.

2.Make sure that the BA design is complete and compatible with DA,

Must be a belt flight segment between adjacent pulleys.

Drive pulley diameters and wrap angle should be correct.


Run stopping dynamics

The stopping case is run first since running tensions are automatically input from Belt Analyst™.

Select BA case and  "Stopping" case on upper button bar.



Define component dynamic properties for stopping -- motors, brakes,  takeup.

Run simulation – “Simulate” upper button.


To view results:

View animation – “Animate” button.


View X-Y Plots -- Chart buttons.


Repeat steps 2 to 4 until results are satisfactory.

Running the stopping case automatically creates the initial belt tensions for the starting case. If belt tensions are not constant at the end of the simulation time selected for display, another longer run may be required to create the correct restart conditions.

Run starting dynamics.

Stopping case must be run first to create "restart" file with at-rest belt tensions.

Select BA case and "Starting" case on upper button bar.



Define component dynamic properties for starting -- motors, brakes, holdbacks, takeup.

Run simulation – “Simulate” upper button.


To view results:

View animation – “Animate” button.


View X-Y Plots -- Chart buttons.


Repeat steps 3 to 5 until results are satisfactory.