Interacting with Belt Analyst™

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Interacting with Belt Analyst™

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Dynamic Analyst™ is an add-on program to the Belt Analyst™ (BA) program suite for the design of bulk material handling conveyors. It can only be run together with Belt Analyst™ program.

The basic conveyor design data is input in the Belt Analyst™ program:

Belt Width and belt speed,

Conveyor design capacity and the specific loading case being analyzed,

Material description, density and properties (do not affect dynamic simulation),

Flight segment geometry and description data,

Conveyor belt specifications,

Idler specifications,

Pulley specifications,

Drive locations, motor specifications including power and rpm,

Brake locations,

Running takeup data including takeup tension sheave/pulley arrangement and drag; however, takeup performance during stopping and starting can be changed in DA.

Some changes must be made to the original Belt Analyst™ conveyor description to make the input data compatible with the Dynamic Analyst FEA simulation.

At least one belt section with some distance must be located between adjacent pulleys.

Bend pulleys can, but do not need to be included; they may be omitted since they do not usually significantly affect dynamics.

If there is significant drag or mass for the bend pulley, these values can be added in appropriate profile location. The bend pulleys can also be left in, but make sure there is belt section between all pulleys.

Brake must be on drive pulley. Brake location must be input in BA, but brake torque can be changed in DA.

Takeup type can be changed in DA as long as it is not “fixed” in BA.

If target tensions are used, they should be set when the dynamic file is created to get the correct running tensions: but they will need to be reentered in the DA motor control input.